Sec. 4102. Incentives for Hospitals.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Section 1886 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395ww) is amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
‘‘(1) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the succeeding provisions of this subsection, with respect to inpatient hospital services furnished by an eligible hospital during a payment year (as defined in paragraph (2)(G)), if the eligible hospital is a meaningful EHR user (as determined under paragraph (3)) for the EHR reporting period with respect to such year, in addition to the amount otherwise paid under this section, there also shall be paid to the eligible hospital, from the Federal Hospital Insurance Trust Fund established under section 1817, an amount equal to the applicable amount specified in paragraph (2)(A) for the hospital for such payment year.
‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Subject to the succeeding subparagraphs of this paragraph, the applicable amount specified in this subparagraph for an eligible hospital for a payment year is equal to the product of the following:
‘‘(i) INITIAL AMOUNT.—The sum of—
‘‘(I) the base amount specified in subparagraph (B); plus
‘‘(II) the discharge related amount specified in subparagraph (C) for a 12-month period selected by the Secretary with respect to such payment year.
‘‘(ii) MEDICARE SHARE.—The Medicare share as specified in subparagraph (D) for the eligible hospital for a period selected by the Secretary with respect to such payment year.
‘‘(iii) TRANSITION FACTOR.—The transition factor specified in subparagraph (E) for the eligible hospital for the payment year.
‘‘(B) BASE AMOUNT.—The base amount specified in this subparagraph is $2,000,000.
‘‘(C) DISCHARGE RELATED AMOUNT.—The discharge related amount specified in this subparagraph for a 12- month period selected by the Secretary shall be determined as the sum of the amount, estimated based upon total discharges for the eligible hospital (regardless of any source of payment) for the period, for each discharge up to the 23,000th discharge as follows:
‘‘(i) For the first through 1,149th discharge, $0.
‘‘(ii) For the 1,150th through the 23,000th discharge, $200.
‘‘(iii) For any discharge greater than the 23,000th, $0.
‘‘(D) MEDICARE SHARE.—The Medicare share specified under this subparagraph for an eligible hospital for a period selected by the Secretary for a payment year is equal to the fraction—
‘‘(i) the numerator of which is the sum (for such period and with respect to the eligible hospital) of—
‘‘(I) the estimated number of inpatient-beddays (as established by the Secretary) which are attributable to individuals with respect to whom payment may be made under part A; and
‘‘(II) the estimated number of inpatient-beddays (as so established) which are attributable to individuals who are enrolled with a Medicare Advantage organization under part C; and
‘‘(ii) the denominator of which is the product of—
‘‘(I) the estimated total number of inpatientbed- days with respect to the eligible hospital during such period; and
‘‘(II) the estimated total amount of the eligible hospital’s charges during such period, not including any charges that are attributable to charity care (as such term is used for purposes of hospital cost reporting under this title), divided by the estimated total amount of the hospital’s charges during such period. Insofar as the Secretary determines that data are not available on charity care necessary to calculate the portion of the formula specified in clause (ii)(II), the Secretary shall use data on uncompensated care and may adjust such data so as to be an appropriate proxy for charity care including a downward adjustment to eliminate bad debt data from uncompensated care data. In the absence of the data necessary, with respect to a hospital, for the Secretary to compute the amount described in clause (ii)(II), the amount under such clause shall be deemed to be 1. In the absence of data, with respect to a hospital, necessary to compute the amount described in clause (i)(II), the amount under such clause shall be deemed to be 0.
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—Subject to clause (ii), the transition factor specified in this subparagraph for an eligible hospital for a payment year is as follows:
‘‘(I) For the first payment year for such hospital, 1.
‘‘(II) For the second payment year for such hospital, 3⁄4.
‘‘(III) For the third payment year for such hospital, 1⁄2.
‘‘(IV) For the fourth payment year for such hospital, 1⁄4.
‘‘(V) For any succeeding payment year for such hospital, 0.
‘‘(ii) PHASE DOWN FOR ELIGIBLE HOSPITALS FIRST ADOPTING EHR AFTER 2013.—If the first payment year for an eligible hospital is after 2013, then the transition factor specified in this subparagraph for a payment year for such hospital is the same as the amount specified in clause (i) for such payment year for an eligible hospital for which the first payment year is 2013. If the first payment year for an eligible hospital is after 2015 then the transition factor specified in this subparagraph for such hospital and for such year and any subsequent year shall be 0.
‘‘(F) FORM OF PAYMENT.—The payment under this subsection for a payment year may be in the form of a single consolidated payment or in the form of such periodic installments as the Secretary may specify.
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of this subsection, the term ‘payment year’ means a fiscal year beginning with fiscal year 2011.
‘‘(ii) FIRST, SECOND, ETC. PAYMENT YEAR.—The term ‘first payment year’ means, with respect to inpatient hospital services furnished by an eligible hospital, the first fiscal year for which an incentive payment is made for such services under this subsection. The terms ‘second payment year’, ‘third payment year’, and ‘fourth payment year’ mean, with respect to an eligible hospital, each successive year immediately following the first payment year for that hospital.
‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—For purposes of paragraph (1), an eligible hospital shall be treated as a meaningful EHR user for an EHR reporting period for a payment year (or, for purposes of subsection (b)(3)(B)(ix), for an EHR reporting period under such subsection for a fiscal year) if each of the following requirements are met:
‘‘(i) MEANINGFUL USE OF CERTIFIED EHR TECHNOLOGY.— The eligible hospital demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary, in accordance with subparagraph (C)(i), that during such period the hospital is using certified EHR technology in a meaningful manner.
‘‘(ii) INFORMATION EXCHANGE.—The eligible hospital demonstrates to the satisfaction of the Secretary, in accordance with subparagraph (C)(i), that during such period such certified EHR technology is connected in a manner that provides, in accordance with law and standards applicable to the exchange of information, for the electronic exchange of health information to improve the quality of health care, such as promoting care coordination.
‘‘(iii) REPORTING ON MEASURES USING EHR.—Subject to subparagraph (B)(ii) and using such certified EHR technology, the eligible hospital submits information for such period, in a form and manner specified by the Secretary, on such clinical quality measures and such other measures as selected by the Secretary under subparagraph (B)(i). The Secretary shall seek to improve the use of electronic health records and health care quality over time by requiring more stringent measures of meaningful use selected under this paragraph.
‘‘(i) SELECTION.—The Secretary shall select measures for purposes of subparagraph (A)(iii) but only consistent with the following:
‘‘(I) The Secretary shall provide preference to clinical quality measures that have been selected for purposes of applying subsection (b)(3)(B)(viii) or that have been endorsed by the entity with a contract with the Secretary under section 1890(a).
‘‘(II) Prior to any measure (other than a clinical quality measure that has been selected for purposes of applying subsection (b)(3)(B)(viii)) being selected under this subparagraph, the Secretary shall publish in the Federal Register such measure and provide for a period of public comment on such measure.
‘‘(ii) LIMITATIONS.—The Secretary may not require the electronic reporting of information on clinical quality measures under subparagraph (A)(iii) unless the Secretary has the capacity to accept the information electronically, which may be on a pilot basis.
‘‘(iii) COORDINATION OF REPORTING OF INFORMATION.— In selecting such measures, and in establishing the form and manner for reporting measures under subparagraph (A)(iii), the Secretary shall seek to avoid redundant or duplicative reporting with reporting otherwise required, including reporting under subsection (b)(3)(B)(viii).
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—An eligible hospital may satisfy the demonstration requirement of clauses (i) and (ii) of subparagraph (A) through means specified by the Secretary, which may include—
‘‘(I) an attestation;
‘‘(II) the submission of claims with appropriate coding (such as a code indicating that inpatient care was documented using certified EHR technology);
‘‘(III) a survey response;
‘‘(IV) reporting under subparagraph (A)(iii); and
‘‘(V) other means specified by the Secretary.
‘‘(ii) USE OF PART D DATA.—Notwithstanding sections 1860D–15(d)(2)(B) and 1860D–15(f)(2), the Secretary may use data regarding drug claims submitted for purposes of section 1860D–15 that are necessary for purposes of subparagraph (A).
‘‘(A) LIMITATIONS ON REVIEW.—There shall be no administrative or judicial review under section 1869, section 1878, or otherwise, of—
‘‘(i) the methodology and standards for determining payment amounts under this subsection and payment adjustments under subsection (b)(3)(B)(ix), including selection of periods under paragraph (2) for determining, and making estimates or using proxies of, discharges under paragraph (2)(C) and inpatient-beddays, hospital charges, charity charges, and Medicare share under paragraph (2)(D);
‘‘(ii) the methodology and standards for determining a meaningful EHR user under paragraph (3), including selection of measures under paragraph (3)(B), specification of the means of demonstrating meaningful EHR use under paragraph (3)(C), and the hardship exception under subsection (b)(3)(B)(ix)(II); and
‘‘(iii) the specification of EHR reporting periods under paragraph (6)(B) and the selection of the form of payment under paragraph (2)(F).
‘‘(B) POSTING ON WEBSITE.—The Secretary shall post on the Internet website of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, in an easily understandable format, a list of the names of the eligible hospitals that are meaningful EHR users under this subsection or subsection (b)(3)(B)(ix) (and a list of the names of critical access hospitals to which paragraph (3) or (4) of section 1814(l) applies), and other relevant data as determined appropriate by the Secretary. The Secretary shall ensure that an eligible hospital (or critical access hospital) has the opportunity to review the other relevant data that are to be made public with respect to the hospital (or critical access hospital) prior to such data being made public.
‘‘(5) CERTIFIED EHR TECHNOLOGY DEFINED.—The term ‘certified EHR technology’ has the meaning given such term in section 1848(o)(4).
‘‘(6) DEFINITIONS.—For purposes of this subsection:
‘‘(A) EHR REPORTING PERIOD.—The term ‘EHR reporting period’ means, with respect to a payment year, any period (or periods) as specified by the Secretary.
‘‘(B) ELIGIBLE HOSPITAL.—The term ‘eligible hospital’ means a subsection (d) hospital.’’.
(2) CRITICAL ACCESS HOSPITALS.—Section 1814(l) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395f(l)) is amended—
(A) in paragraph (1), by striking ‘‘paragraph (2)’’ and inserting ‘‘the subsequent paragraphs of this subsection’’; and
(B) by adding at the end the following new paragraph:
‘‘(3)(A) The following rules shall apply in determining payment and reasonable costs under paragraph (1) for costs described in subparagraph (C) for a critical access hospital that would be a meaningful EHR user (as would be determined under paragraph (3) of section 1886(n)) for an EHR reporting period for a cost reporting period beginning during a payment year if such critical access hospital was treated as an eligible hospital under such section:
‘‘(i) The Secretary shall compute reasonable costs by expensing such costs in a single payment year and not depreciating such costs over a period of years (and shall include as costs with respect to cost reporting periods beginning during a payment year costs from previous cost reporting periods to the extent they have not been fully depreciated as of the period involved).
‘‘(ii) There shall be substituted for the Medicare share that would otherwise be applied under paragraph (1) a percent (not to exceed 100 percent) equal to the sum of—
‘‘(I) the Medicare share (as would be specified under paragraph (2)(D) of section 1886(n)) for such critical access hospital if such critical access hospital was treated as an eligible hospital under such section; and
‘‘(II) 20 percentage points.
‘‘(B) The payment under this paragraph with respect to a critical access hospital shall be paid through a prompt interim payment (subject to reconciliation) after submission and review of such information (as specified by the Secretary) necessary to make such payment, including information necessary to apply this paragraph. In no case may payment under this paragraph be made with respect to a cost reporting period beginning during a payment year after 2015 and in no case may a critical access hospital receive payment under this paragraph with respect to more than 4 consecutive payment years.
‘‘(C) The costs described in this subparagraph are costs for the purchase of certified EHR technology to which purchase depreciation (excluding interest) would apply if payment was made under paragraph (1) and not under this paragraph.
‘‘(D) For purposes of this paragraph, paragraph (4), and paragraph (5), the terms ‘certified EHR technology’, ‘eligible hospital’, ‘EHR reporting period’, and ‘payment year’ have the meanings given such terms in sections 1886(n).’’.
(1) IN GENERAL.—Section 1886(b)(3)(B) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395ww(b)(3)(B)) is amended—
(A) in clause (viii)(I), by inserting ‘‘(or, beginning with fiscal year 2015, by one-quarter)’’ after ‘‘2.0 percentage points’’; and
(B) by adding at the end the following new clause:
‘‘(ix)(I) For purposes of clause (i) for fiscal year 2015 and each subsequent fiscal year, in the case of an eligible hospital (as defined in subsection (n)(6)(A)) that is not a meaningful EHR user (as defined in subsection (n)(3)) for an EHR reporting period for such fiscal year, three-quarters of the applicable percentage increase otherwise applicable under clause (i) for such fiscal year shall be reduced by 331⁄3 percent for fiscal year 2015, 662⁄3 percent for fiscal year 2016, and 100 percent for fiscal year 2017 and each subsequent fiscal year. Such reduction shall apply only with respect to the fiscal year involved and the Secretary shall not take into account such reduction in computing the applicable percentage increase under clause (i) for a subsequent fiscal year.
‘‘(II) The Secretary may, on a case-by-case basis, exempt a subsection (d) hospital from the application of subclause (I) with respect to a fiscal year if the Secretary determines, subject to annual renewal, that requiring such hospital to be a meaningful EHR user during such fiscal year would result in a significant hardship, such as in the case of a hospital in a rural area without sufficient Internet access. In no case may a hospital be granted an exemption under this subclause for more than 5 years.
‘‘(III) For fiscal year 2015 and each subsequent fiscal year, a State in which hospitals are paid for services under section 1814(b)(3) shall adjust the payments to each subsection (d) hospital in the State that is not a meaningful EHR user (as defined in subsection (n)(3)) in a manner that is designed to result in an aggregate reduction in payments to hospitals in the State that is equivalent to the aggregate reduction that would have occurred if payments had been reduced to each subsection (d) hospital in the State in a manner comparable to the reduction under the previous provisions of this clause. The State shall report to the Secretary the methodology it will use to make the payment adjustment under the previous sentence.
‘‘(IV) For purposes of this clause, the term ‘EHR reporting period’ means, with respect to a fiscal year, any period (or periods) as specified by the Secretary.’’.
(2) CRITICAL ACCESS HOSPITALS.—Section 1814(l) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395f(l)), as amended by subsection (a)(2), is further amended by adding at the end the following new paragraphs:
‘‘(4)(A) Subject to subparagraph (C), for cost reporting periods beginning in fiscal year 2015 or a subsequent fiscal year, in the case of a critical access hospital that is not a meaningful EHR user (as would be determined under paragraph (3) of section 1886(n) if such critical access hospital was treated as an eligible hospital under such section) for an EHR reporting period with respect to such fiscal year, paragraph (1) shall be applied by substituting the applicable percent under subparagraph (B) for the percent described in such paragraph (1).
‘‘(B) The percent described in this subparagraph is—
‘‘(i) for fiscal year 2015, 100.66 percent;
‘‘(ii) for fiscal year 2016, 100.33 percent; and
‘‘(iii) for fiscal year 2017 and each subsequent fiscal year, 100 percent.
‘‘(C) The provisions of subclause (II) of section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) shall apply with respect to subparagraph (A) for a critical access hospital with respect to a cost reporting period beginning in a fiscal year in the same manner as such subclause applies with respect to subclause (I) of such section for a subsection (d) hospital with respect to such fiscal year.
‘‘(5) There shall be no administrative or judicial review under section 1869, section 1878, or otherwise, of—
‘‘(A) the methodology and standards for determining the amount of payment and reasonable cost under paragraph (3) and payment adjustments under paragraph (4), including selection of periods under section 1886(n)(2) for determining, and making estimates or using proxies of, inpatient-bed-days, hospital charges, charity charges, and Medicare share under subparagraph (D) of section 1886(n)(2);
‘‘(B) the methodology and standards for determining a meaningful EHR user under section 1886(n)(3) as would apply if the hospital was treated as an eligible hospital under section 1886(n), and the hardship exception under paragraph (4)(C);
‘‘(C) the specification of EHR reporting periods under section 1886(n)(6)(B) as applied under paragraphs (3) and (4); and
‘‘(D) the identification of costs for purposes of paragraph (3)(C).’’.
(c) APPLICATION TO CERTAIN MA-AFFILIATED ELIGIBLE HOSPITALS.— Section 1853 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w– 23), as amended by section 4101(c), is further amended by adding at the end the following new subsection:
‘‘(1) APPLICATION.—Subject to paragraphs (3) and (4), in the case of a qualifying MA organization, the provisions of sections 1886(n) and 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix) shall apply with respect to eligible hospitals described in paragraph (2) of the organization which the organization attests under subsection (l)(6) to be meaningful EHR users in a similar manner as they apply to eligible hospitals under such sections. Incentive payments under paragraph (3) shall be made to and payment adjustments under paragraph (4) shall apply to such qualifying organizations.
‘‘(2) ELIGIBLE HOSPITAL DESCRIBED.—With respect to a qualifying MA organization, an eligible hospital described in this paragraph is an eligible hospital (as defined in section 1886(n)(6)(A)) that is under common corporate governance with such organization and serves individuals enrolled under an MA plan offered by such organization.
‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—In applying section 1886(n)(2) under paragraph (1), instead of the additional payment amount under section 1886(n)(2), there shall be substituted an amount determined by the Secretary to be similar to the estimated amount in the aggregate that would be payable if payment for services furnished by such hospitals was payable under part A instead of this part. In implementing the previous sentence, the Secretary—
‘‘(i) shall, insofar as data to determine the discharge related amount under section 1886(n)(2)(C) for an eligible hospital are not available to the Secretary, use such alternative data and methodology to estimate such discharge related amount as the Secretary determines appropriate; and
‘‘(ii) shall, insofar as data to determine the medicare share described in section 1886(n)(2)(D) for an eligible hospital are not available to the Secretary, use such alternative data and methodology to estimate such share, which data and methodology may include use of the inpatient-bed-days (or discharges) with respect to an eligible hospital during the appropriate period which are attributable to both individuals for whom payment may be made under part A or individuals enrolled in an MA plan under a Medicare Advantage organization under this part as a proportion of the estimated total number of patient-bed-days (or discharges) with respect to such hospital during such period.
‘‘(i) IN GENERAL.—In the case of a hospital that for a payment year is an eligible hospital described in paragraph (2) and for which at least one-third of their discharges (or bed-days) of Medicare patients for the year are covered under part A, payment for the payment year shall be made only under section 1886(n) and not under this subsection.
‘‘(ii) METHODS.—In the case of a hospital that is an eligible hospital described in paragraph (2) and also is eligible for an incentive payment under section 1886(n) but is not described in clause (i) for the same payment period, the Secretary shall develop a process—
‘‘(I) to ensure that duplicate payments are not made with respect to an eligible hospital both under this subsection and under section 1886(n); and
‘‘(II) to collect data from Medicare Advantage organizations to ensure against such duplicate payments.
‘‘(A) Subject to paragraph (3), in the case of a qualifying MA organization (as defined in section 1853(l)(5)), if, according to the attestation of the organization submitted under subsection (l)(6) for an applicable period, one or more eligible hospitals (as defined in section 1886(n)(6)(A)) that are under common corporate governance with such organization and that serve individuals enrolled under a plan offered by such organization are not meaningful EHR users (as defined in section 1886(n)(3)) with respect to a period, the payment amount payable under this section for such organization for such period shall be the percent specified in subparagraph (B) for such period of the payment amount otherwise provided under this section for such period.
‘‘(B) SPECIFIED PERCENT.—The percent specified under this subparagraph for a year is 100 percent minus a number of percentage points equal to the product of—
‘‘(i) the number of the percentage point reduction effected under section 1886(b)(3)(B)(ix)(I) for the period; and
‘‘(ii) the Medicare hospital expenditure proportion specified in subparagraph (C) for the year.
‘‘(C) MEDICARE HOSPITAL EXPENDITURE PROPORTION.— The Medicare hospital expenditure proportion under this subparagraph for a year is the Secretary’s estimate of the proportion, of the expenditures under parts A and B that are not attributable to this part, that are attributable to expenditures for inpatient hospital services.
‘‘(D) APPLICATION OF PAYMENT ADJUSTMENT.—In the case that a qualifying MA organization attests that not all eligible hospitals are meaningful EHR users with respect to an applicable period, the Secretary shall apply the payment adjustment under this paragraph based on a methodology specified by the Secretary, taking into account the proportion of such eligible hospitals, or discharges from such hospitals, that are not meaningful EHR users for such period.
‘‘(5) POSTING ON WEBSITE.—The Secretary shall post on the Internet website of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, in an easily understandable format—
‘‘(A) a list of the names, business addresses, and business phone numbers of each qualifying MA organization receiving an incentive payment under this subsection for eligible hospitals described in paragraph (2); and
‘‘(B) a list of the names of the eligible hospitals for which such incentive payment is based.
‘‘(6) LIMITATIONS ON REVIEW.—There shall be no administrative or judicial review under section 1869, section 1878, or otherwise, of—
‘‘(A) the methodology and standards for determining payment amounts and payment adjustments under this subsection, including avoiding duplication of payments under paragraph (3)(B);
‘‘(B) the methodology and standards for determining eligible hospitals under paragraph (2); and
‘‘(C) the methodology and standards for determining a meaningful EHR user under section 1886(n)(3), including specification of the means of demonstrating meaningful EHR use under subparagraph (C) of such section and selection of measures under subparagraph (B) of such section.’’.
(1) Section 1814(b) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395f(b)) is amended—
(A) in paragraph (3), in the matter preceding subparagraph (A), by inserting ‘‘, subject to section 1886(d)(3)(B)(ix)(III),’’ after ‘‘then’’; and
(B) by adding at the end the following: ‘‘For purposes of applying paragraph (3), there shall be taken into account incentive payments, and payment adjustments under subsection (b)(3)(B)(ix) or (n) of section 1886.’’.
(2) Section 1851(i)(1) of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w–21(i)(1)) is amended by striking ‘‘and 1886(h)(3)(D)’’ and inserting ‘‘1886(h)(3)(D), and 1853(m)’’.
(3) Section 1853 of the Social Security Act (42 U.S.C. 1395w–23), as amended by section 4101(d), is amended—
(A) in subsection (c)—
(i) in paragraph (1)(D)(i), by striking ‘‘1848(o)’’ and inserting ‘‘, 1848(o), and 1886(n)’’; and
(ii) in paragraph (6)(A), by inserting ‘‘and subsections (b)(3)(B)(ix) and (n) of section 1886’’ after ‘‘section 1848’’; and
(B) in subsection (f), by inserting ‘‘and subsection (m)’’ after ‘‘under subsection (l)’’.
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