Sec. 13111. Coordination of Federal Activities with Adopted Standards and Implementation Specifications.
(a) Spending on Health Information Technology Systems.— As each agency (as defined by the Director of the Office of Management and Budget, in consultation with the Secretary of Health and Human Services) implements, acquires, or upgrades health information technology systems used for the direct exchange of individually identifiable health information between agencies and with non-Federal entities, it shall utilize, where available, health information technology systems and products that meet standards and implementation specifications adopted under section 3004 of the Public Health Service Act, as added by section 13101.
(b) Federal Information Collection Activities.—With respect to a standard or implementation specification adopted under section 3004 of the Public Health Service Act, as added by section 13101, the President shall take measures to ensure that Federal activities involving the broad collection and submission of health information are consistent with such standard or implementation specification, respectively, within three years after the date of such adoption.
(c) Application of Definitions.—The definitions contained in section 3000 of the Public Health Service Act, as added by section 13101, shall apply for purposes of this part.
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