§164.103 Definitions.
As used in this part, the following terms have the following meanings:
exists if an entity has the power, directly or indirectly, significantly to influence or direct the actions or policies of another entity.
exists if an entity or entities possess an ownership or equity interest of 5 percent or more in another entity.
means those functions of a covered entity the performance of which makes the entity a health plan, health care provider, or health care clearinghouse.
means a component or combination of components of a hybrid entity designated by the hybrid entity in accordance with §164.105(a)(2)(iii)(D).
means a single legal entity:
(1) That is a covered entity;
(2) Whose business activities include both covered and non-covered functions; and
(3) That designates health care components in accordance with paragraph §164.105(a)(2)(iii)(D).
is defined as defined at section 3(16)(B) of ERISA, 29 U.S.C. 1002(16)(B).
means an officer or employee of any agency or authority of the United States, a State, a territory, a political subdivision of a State or territory, or an Indian tribe, who is empowered by law to:
(1) Investigate or conduct an official inquiry into a potential violation of law; or
(2) Prosecute or otherwise conduct a criminal, civil, or administrative proceeding arising from an alleged violation of law.
means a mandate contained in law that compels an entity to make a use or disclosure of protected health information and that is enforceable in a court of law.
Required by law includes, but is not limited to, court orders and court-ordered warrants; subpoenas or summons issued by a court, grand jury, a governmental or tribal inspector general, or an administrative body authorized to require the production of information; a civil or an authorized investigative demand; Medicare conditions of participation with respect to health care providers participating in the program; and statutes or regulations that require the production of information, including statutes or regulations that require such information if payment is sought under a government program providing public benefits.
[68 FR 8374, Feb. 20, 2003]
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