§162.1402 Standards for health care claim status transaction.
The Secretary adopts the following standards for the health care claim status transaction:
(a) For the period from October 16, 2002 through October 15, 2003: The ASC X12N–276/277 Health Care Claim Status Request and Response, Version 4010, May 2000, Washington Publishing Company, 004010X093. (Incorporated by reference in §162.920).
(b) For the period on and after October 16, 2003: The ASC X12N–276/277 Health Care Claim Status Request and Response, Version 4010, May 2000, Washington Publishing Company, 004010X093 and Addenda to Health Care Claim Status Request and Response, Version 4010, October 2002, Washington Publishing Company, 004010X093A1. (Incorporated by reference in §162.920).
[68 FR 8398, Feb. 20, 2003]
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